This weekend my family and I made our annual visit to Whiting Indiana's Pierogi Fest! What is Pierogi Fest you ask? Why, it's only the most delicious celebration of Polish food, culture, and fun that anyone could possibly ask for! The fest has been pretty widely publicized within the past few years, (It was even on the Food Network!) but my grandparents live in Whiting, so I've been a loyal Pierogi Fest attendant since my stroller days. Thankfully, it was nice and cool outside this year without bad crowds- so this Polack girl got to CHOW DOWN!
Okay y'all, I know this doesn't look too Polish, but Wild Bill's Soda has had a booth at the fest for the past few years, and they make the MOST delicious Root Beer on earth!
My momma, enjoying some Halupki (Stuffed Cabbage).
My cousin Camille was a Pieroguette, Miss Chicken!
I'm a Sauerkraut lover.
And what would Pierogi Fest be without a little Daddy/Daughter Polka?